So in all the excitement for Xmas Jez put our Xmas tree up over 6 weeks before the big day. It was almost like he anticipated the chaos that was about to ensue. We had almost four uninterrupted perfect Xmas themed weeks (whist I was away coaching for all but 4 days) then as I arrived home from my last coaching job. Literally as I was on the train back about to get picked up by Jez all crazy let loose. In the matter of 12 hours we went from a perfect normal nice Xmas spirit filled house to an absolute building site. We moved the entire downstairs of our apartment upstairs and set about re tiling the entire apartment. The fridge was on the balcony. We had three sofas, two cabinets, two lamps, 3 speakers and who knows what else in our bedroom. Our housemates bedrooms were full to bursting it was insane.
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100% crazy madness ensued for the next 8 days and then just in time as Santa sleigh bells set off ringing high in the sky we received our Xmas gift just in time and newly renovated super stylish new living room, kitchen and guest room.
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